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Mom who ‘disappeared’ for 6 years gets a reality check when she suddenly tries to reconnect and ‘parent’ teen

The mum tried to pick up where she left off, forgetting that it had been 6 long years.
(L) Teenager frustratingly sitting alone after an argument. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Valeriia), (R) Mom reprimanding teenage daughter in the room. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Cottonbro Studio)
(L) Teenager frustratingly sitting alone after an argument. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Valeriia), (R) Mom reprimanding teenage daughter in the room. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Cottonbro Studio)

Parents and their children need time and consistency to bond with each other. Unfortunately, for kids who were separated from their parents for ambiguous reasons, it becomes harder for them to accept and reconnect with their folks. A teenager who goes by u/ForsakenYear-7175 on Reddit revealed that their mum had “disappeared” for more than half a decade before randomly walking back into their life. When the mom tried to forcefully parent and redirect her kid per her wishes, the 18-year-old snapped back with a bold response. 

Young girl crying in despair by herself. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Pixabay)
Young girl crying in despair by herself. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Pixabay)

The teenager explained that after their parents’ divorce, the mom didn’t make any active efforts to remain connected with them. “Her new husband didn’t want her to see my dad and so she let my dad have custody of me and didn’t exercise visitation,” the post read. For 6 years, the woman didn’t follow any responsibilities of a mom. After her divorce from her new husband, she thought of reconnecting with her child. “Dad told me it’s up to me so I said, ‘Why not?’” Despite wanting to give their mum a chance, the teenager felt that “things had been kind of awkward between us.” 

Mom and teenage daughter sitting on opposite ends of couch, engrossed in their own work. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio)
Mom and teenage daughter sitting on opposite ends of couch, engrossed in their own work. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio)

The 18-year-old acknowledged that it had been a long time and that they had changed as a person, so awkwardness was expected during the whole reconnection journey. However, the mom refused to understand the same and immediately started parenting and reprimanding u/ForsakenYear-7175 for their habits. “When she came over yesterday, I was reading ‘An Offer from a Gentleman.’ My mom said, ‘You’re too young to be reading these toxic romance books,’” the teenager recalled. Unable to comprehend her mom’s impromptu correction without any conversation or understanding, the teen snapped back. “I just stared at her and said, ‘I was 12 when you disappeared six years ago. I’m 18 now,’” the teen noted. 

Mom arguing and reprimanding teenage daughter. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Karolina Grabowska)
Mom arguing and reprimanding teenage daughter. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Karolina Grabowska)

“She spluttered for a moment and then told me there is no need to use that word, that she made a mistake and there is no reason to throw it in her face,” the post read. As per the teen, the woman needed to understand that a lot had changed and she failed to keep room for acceptance and patience. Several people supported the teen for their clear and bold response. Many agreed that the mother had no right to barge into the child’s life and act as an active parent. u/Realistic_Head4279 noted, “Accepting any criticism or correction from a parent who has abandoned you from 12 to 18 would be difficult. You've learned to grow up without her and don't need her showing up now trying to mother you. That ship sailed, piloted by her.” 

Image Source: Reddit|u/Wild_Cockroach_2544
Image Source: Reddit|u/Wild_Cockroach_2544

Image Source: Reddit|u/IanDOsmond
Image Source: Reddit|u/IanDOsmond

u/pmousebrown remarked, “I agree, the mom can be in her life again but she will never be a parent again. She broke that relationship irretrievably.” u/Cloverose2 added, “She didn't make a mistake. She made a choice. It was a deliberate action she selected and chose to maintain for six years.” u/Ifoxyadventuress said, “If she really wants to rebuild a relationship, she needs to put in the work, not act like she still has some automatic authority.”