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Peter Andre's children win the internet with their 'beautiful' gesture for grandma battling Alzheimer's

The actor was touched by his children's gesture and thanked them for being so 'amazing' to their family.
(L) Actor Peter Andre posing for a selfie. (R) Peter Andre's children meet their grandmother. Cover Image Source: Instagram | @peterandre)
(L) Actor Peter Andre posing for a selfie. (R) Peter Andre's children meet their grandmother. Cover Image Source: Instagram | @peterandre)

Sometimes, a family member goes completely out of their way to be there with their loved ones during challenging times. Similarly, British-Australian singer-songwriter Peter Andre's older children, Princess and Junior, did something like that for their grandmother suffering from Alzheimer's. The singer praised his kids' gesture for traveling to see their grandma and being there for her. Andre–who goes by @peterandre on Instagram–shared the wholesome moment with the internet and appreciated his "beautiful" children for being there for the family.

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His son, Junior Andre (@officialjunior_andre), was lying next to his grandma's bed and talking to her. His daughter, Princess Andre (@princess_andre), was looking at her grandma lovingly as she gave her a big hug and held onto her for a moment. The grandma patted Junior's cheek and they laughed among themselves. She seemed really happy to have her grandchildren around. "Junior and Princess. The fact that you drove to Somerset to be with us hours before and the days that followed to see the arrival of your baby sister and then to get on a plane and travel 12,000 miles to be with your grandmother in a very difficult time for her shows me what beautiful children you are," the actor wrote in the caption. He expressed that he would never forget this moment and thanked his kids for being. "amazing."

"Love you all so much. Keep cuddling mum for me, please, and tell her I love her and we will come out soon," the post concluded. "Junior and Princess flew out to see my mum in Australia last week, and I love them both so much for doing it. They're such beautiful children and it makes me so grateful that they're out there with her as I write this," the actor wrote in his column for OK! Magazine. "I would've loved to have gone with them, but I've only just got back and I'm working. I love them so much for doing it and I know it'll make my mum really, really happy." The actor had shared that it has been really difficult for him to see his mom's health deteriorate, per Somerset Live.

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People in the comments praised Andre's children. @elsie.slaughter wrote, "This is beautiful to watch and just shows how loving and caring the children are for their grandmother. Peter, you are such a devoted father to Princess and Junior. You brought them up well." @michelle.burrows.18 commented, "How beautiful, just priceless. Be proud of the influence you have had on their journey and how wonderful it is to see the love and respect they have for your mum and she for them. This is priceless, something no amount of money can buy."

Image Source: Instagram | @19.sasha.89
Image Source: Instagram | @19.sasha.89

Image Source: Instagram | @nutz57
Image Source: Instagram | @nutz57

@garethjones190210 remarked, "Aww, that's love right there. Peter, you can hold your head up and be very proud. Wishing all a speedy recovery. Good work kids." @jillincatland shared, "Princess and Junior really are a credit to you and Emily. Just as you both are to your parents. What a lot of love surrounds your family. It’s beautiful to see and read about it. Sending healing hugs to your mum." @1978happy expressed, "Nothing more rewarding in life than seeing your children turn into considerable, kind and thoughtful adults."

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You can follow Peter Andre (@peterandre) on Instagram for more content about his songs, tours and lifestyle.