Rover sitter explains the viral trick she used to catch dog when they ran away from her and it worked brilliantly

Anyone who has pets or has been around one knows that it can be really fun to play with them, but at the same time, certain situations can induce a lot of panic. Especially, if a pet's safety is being compromised in the said scenario. A Rover sitter found herself in a similar situation when her client's dog decided to run outside in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, the woman knew a simple trick that helped her get the dog back. The sitter, Shelby (@goodluckshelby on TikTok), took to the platform to share the trick with other people to help them.

The woman began by saying that she could literally "kiss" the person who made a TikTok video about getting a dog back when they mischievously run away. "I have just chased a dog that's not even my dog," Shelby shared. "I am a Rover sitter and I just started watching this puppy today." The puppy was a toddler and just six months old. "She decided to go for a run when I had the garage door open and I was just going to close it when she got to it," the sitter went on. Before she could close the door, the dog escaped and started running away.
"So, I had to chase her for like 8-9 blocks," the Rover sitter revealed. "And then I remembered, oh my god!" the woman had just recalled a TikTok that told people what to do in similar situations. "I remembered how you were supposed to run away from them so they think it's a game." She added, "So I did that, and guess who followed. This little pup." The woman was able to tackle the puppy and bring her back home. "So, thank you, I love you and I could kiss you. You just saved my life," she expressed, referring to the person who shared the hack originally. The caption read, "She’s a runner, she’s a track star."
The video received more than 982,000 views and over 75.900 likes. People took to the comments section to express how impressive the trick was. @psiphifrog wrote, "My dog wouldn’t leave the park, I tried everything for 30 minutes. Then I just said fine, I’m going home and he followed me all the way to the door!" @zeomlette commented, "I’m also a sitter on Rover - this works! I also put Apple AirTags on the dogs when they come in for extra security."

Another user remarked, "Yes, it’s the scariest moment. I've had to do the same more than once and I am no longer capable of making an open-field tackle." @the_owlette shared, "When my husky was a puppy (and an absolute escape artist menace), if she got out and I got her in my sight I would drop to my knees and hold my arms out and act really excited. She'd run straight to me." @stephvitamins expressed, "My Great Pyrenees got out once, I chased him about a block and then sat down. He was so concerned he came right back."
You can follow Shelby (@goodluckshelby) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.