Teen says she hates introducing herself to people because her parents gave her a 'granny' name

Many people grow up with a name they don't really vibe with. While there is always an opportunity to change your name legally, a lot of these people have to wait for a long time to get the name sorted on paper. A teen girl, u/bbqboco, took to the Reddit community and expressed her frustration over having a name she detested. The girl started the post by revealing how she had cried multiple times in the past over her name.

She also blamed her parents for choosing the name "Sharon" for her. "It's so bad that I get anxiety from having to introduce myself because I'm embarrassed to even say it out loud. I hate when other people call me by it. It's a literal granny name and I hate it so much when people try to tell me it's not that bad and stuff," the girl ranted on her post. Her sister was given a significantly better name compared to Sharon and her sister hated whenever Sharon complained about having a "granny name."
"I swear I genuinely get jealous when I hear other people's names," the girl continued. "I get so upset when I see people online complain about their names, even when it's seriously not bad at all. Like I see people complaining that their name is 'too common' but I would die for a normal name. Who names an Asian kid Sharon? It's not fitting at all. I feel like Sharon is either a white soccer mom type of name or a white grandma name." Sharon also expressed her displeasure over getting compared to the name "Karen." "I see a lot of people say stuff like, 'Sharon and Karens are so annoying.' My parents could've at least made the name look nice by replacing O with an I. Sharin or even Sherrin would have been better. Now, I'm a teenage girl with a granny name," Sharon continued her post.

The teen girl wondered how she was going to live the rest of her life carrying that name. Her parents had assured her in the past that she had the means to change her name. However, Sharon lamented that after living with her name for many years, it would be odd to change her name all of a sudden. "Also, I can't think of any other names that would somewhat fit me since I've just accepted defeat at this point. I feel like my life is over," the teen concluded. In an update in the post, the girl acknowledged that she was just venting and wasn't considering changing her name for the good. She agreed that not changing her name wouldn't affect her life in the long run but it still made her upset.

The Reddit community was invested in Sharon's story as well and left a bunch of amusing comments to cheer her up. u/Low_Strike_28 commented, "I predict boomer names like Sharon, Carol, Linda and Susan are going to be super popular and fresh-sounding baby names in 29 years. So if you can wait it out, you might end up digging the Sharon vibe eventually? Well, you can just change it." u/Juniperfields81 mentioned, "Sharon is a beautiful name but I understand why it doesn't work for you. I'm sorry you've had to exist so long with a name you hate. Pick a name you like and go by it casually to see how it fits and keep doing that until you find the right one. Then, legally change it." u/maya_says added, "Sharon van Etten is one of the coolest women in rock. I think it’s a very rebellious, punk and cool girl name."
This article originally appeared 3 months ago.