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Ukrainian dad reveals what he and his daughter love most about living in America — it will lift your spirits

He asked his wife the same question and while their answers were simple, the family won the hearts of many Americans in no time.
(L) Father talking to his daughter; (R) Man holding US flag with wife and kid standing beside him. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | (L) Ketut Subiyanto; (R) Josh Willink)
(L) Father talking to his daughter; (R) Man holding US flag with wife and kid standing beside him. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | (L) Ketut Subiyanto; (R) Josh Willink)

Many families who move to a new country seek not just safety and stability, but also a chance to build a new life filled with hope. For one Ukrainian family, their journey to the United States has been filled with small yet meaningful moments of joy. In a heartwarming video shared by a dad named Oleg Karakash (@family_from_ukraine) on TikTok, he and his daughter talked about what they love the most about America. The father began by asking his daughter, "What’s your favorite thing in America?" Without hesitation, she replied, "Animals!" Encouraging her to continue, he asked what else she liked.

Family of 3 sitting by lakeside. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | 
Jay Randhawa)
Family of 3 sitting by lakeside. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Jay Randhawa)

"Beach," she added excitedly. Her father then asked, "You like beaches? Oh, you like swimming, right?" to which she replied, "Yeah." He then shared a funny moment that many parents could relate to. That morning, he and his daughter had gone to the bus stop for school, unaware it was President’s Day (the third Monday of February) and it was a school holiday. They waited for 20 minutes before a kind neighbor came by and told them it was a holiday. Laughing at their mistake, the father said they quickly checked the internet to confirm. His daughter was happy to stay home but joked that she was a bit sad "because my mom is gonna check out Lego videos."

Photo of human hands making a heart over the US flag. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Edgar Colomba)
Human hands making a heart over the US flag. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Edgar Colomba)

The father then reflected on what he loved most about America. "My favorite thing in America is the spirit. I feel this place has a spirit and hope," he said. He spoke about how, for many years, people from different countries have come to America to build a better life. Now, he and his family were doing the same. "I really feel like we are building a new life." He shared how they were the first in their family to come to the U.S. and how meaningful the shift was for them. When he asked his wife about her favorite thing about the country, she had a simple answer, "People. They are so kind. They always help me." She recalled a small but unforgettable act of kindness. "I was in a store, and I hit my knee. A woman gave me a bandage. I was just standing with the bandage there crying, and she just helped me."

That moment stayed with her. "They are different. They’re kind, they're very polite and they support you all the time," she said. The video won the hearts of many people, especially Americans. @jenz6139 wrote, "As gloomy as social media can be, your page and your family are a breath of fresh air." @celinejohnnson commented, "My favorite things are animals and the beach too." @lila..gracemay suggested, "You should definitely take Dasha to a farm! There are usually local ones that are cheap to visit, where you can pet and feed the animals! Or maybe a zoo!"

Image Source: TikTok | @capt_bryan70
Image Source: TikTok | @capt_bryan70

Image Source: TikTok | @toddmurphy8
Image Source: TikTok | @toddmurphy8

@stratmiester pointed out, "Love how your daughter corrected your wife’s use of bandage." @user3197184061670 said, "Waiting 20 minutes at the bus stop on President’s Day… so humble. Glad your neighbors helped you out." @wormterrinuup shared, "As an American, my favorite thing about America is the opportunity it gives to people who want something better."


Our favourite thing in USA

♬ A Day in My Life - Raya


You can follow Oleg Karakash (@family_from_ukraine) on TikTok for more content on his family's life in America.