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When broke mom looked away at doctor's office, stranger gave her son a note with $100 — it moved the mom to tears

The mom was on her last reserves of hope and thought there was possibly no way out when a stranger rekindled hope in the most wholesome way.
(L) Distressed woman in hospital gown awaiting doctor. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by RDNE Stock Project), (R) Envelope with $100. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya)
(L) Distressed woman in hospital gown awaiting doctor. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by RDNE Stock Project), (R) Envelope with $100. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya)

Hope changes a person's life altogether. Just when you think you’re ready to wave the flag and there is no way out, somehow something magical makes a way in the most impactful manner. A mom named Melissa Simms was having quite a tough day with little to no finances to make it to the end of the day, per WRBC News. When she arrived at her doctor’s appointment, she thought she’d be shedding out the very last dollar bills she had. Just when she thought she had hit rock bottom and there were only disheartening realities and something unruly to follow, a stranger rekindled hope with a note.

Worried woman sitting and waiting. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio)
Worried woman sitting and waiting. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio)

The mom revealed that she had a follow-up visit to the hospital after heavy surgeries in the last two years. Her 7th-grade son, Trey, also joined her as he took a sick day from school and was at home. "I and my husband woke up and spit out the last ten dollars for gas, for him to go to work and for me to make it to my doctor's appointment," Simms said. The only thought that ran through her mind was how to afford supper for her kids. The mom went about her appointment while Trey waited in another room. As the mother-son duo were headed back to the car, the boy handed her an envelope. A post was shared on Stories for the Soul on Facebook, revealing the contents of the envelope and how her son got his hands on it.

Woman opening envelope with note. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Angela Roma)
Woman opening envelope with note. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Angela Roma)

“I was having one of those days where it just seemed everything was going wrong and then an unknown woman, which I will call her an (Earthly angel), handed this to my son while we were at the doctor's office to give it to me,” she explained. Trey had no idea what was in the envelope and handed it to his mum. On opening the same, she found $100 along with a note. The note read, “I've had days like you're having today. Hang in there." There was also a biblical scripture, “Joshua 1:9,” quoted on the note. The scripture read, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Woman holding note emotionally. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Ron Lach)
Woman holding note emotionally. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Ron Lach)

Simms received the monetary and spiritual support and encouragement she needed to keep going. She was able to make her necessary payments, along with affording food and other necessities for her family. Having received that random note and help was a comforting relief. It gave the mom the hope that “everything is going to be okay.” The woman had no idea how the stranger was but couldn’t help rendering immense thanks for saving the day. "It's the kindest thing that's ever been done," said Simms. "Truly, from the bottom of my heart, I thank this woman,” she said. In the post, she added, “This made my whole day. Thank you and I will pay it forward! I have read about these random acts of kindness, but this is the first time I have ever experienced it firsthand!”