Woman hassles entire crew by demanding priority seat without required booking—supervisor's response has her apologizing

It is basic etiquette to be mindful while traveling or in public. There might be inconveniences, but we can always try to adjust or come to some productive conclusion. An entitled passenger, however, was creating havoc before she could board her Ryanair flight. A fellow passenger who goes by u/autisticfarmgirl revealed the entire flight was hassled by a woman who made a ridiculous demand for a preferred seat while boarding. When she ruthlessly dealt with the crew and tormented passengers enough, the supervisor stepped in and responded with one statement that made her apologize.

Sharing details, the woman revealed that the flight was already delayed by an hour. Passengers were already exhausted and waiting to board. “It’s a low-cost airline where the basic price gets you a seat and a small bag that needs to fit under the seat in front of you. Anything else costs extra, including priority boarding,” the post mentioned. Per the rules, the passenger hadn’t made any prior booking and was supposed to board with other passengers. “Our entitled passenger was in the priority queue with her boyfriend and his mum. Turns out she hasn’t booked priority and chanced she’d be let through with her partner,” the post explained.

Despite the error being that of the passenger, she began to argue with the crew and refused to budge. The supervisor had to intervene and request the woman to go all the way back to the packed normal queue. “Most people would call it a lesson and just move on. Not her. She’s ragging. She eventually gets back to the gate and decides that she needs to tell the gate agent how unfair this all is,” the post read. The passenger was carelessly yelling at the agent for no fault of his just to create a scene. The supervisor stepped in again to speak with her but she refused to calm down.

While passengers waited to board, the woman’s boyfriend tried to pacify her and get her to board and so on, she remained adamant. At the limit's end with the passenger’s ruckus, the supervisor decided to be stern and teach the woman a lesson. She didn’t argue with the passenger any longer. She simply took her to the side, asked her to step out and confidently told her she wasn’t going to be allowed on the plane. As soon as the woman heard these words, her stature changed. “It took her a second to realize what happened and she started screaming. But suddenly she was sorry and claimed that it was a misunderstanding because she doesn’t speak English very well, that she didn’t mean it, that she was very sorry and would calm down if she’s allowed on board and basically repeated that over and over again.”
The post further mentioned, “The supervisor let her know that when boarding is complete, she will phone the captain, discuss with him and see if he’ll allow her on board.” Finally, the passenger made it through to board the flight but received quite a reprimanding from the supervisor who immediately put her in her place. u/Putridrub1168 wrote, "Da*n woman, stop making a scene! Are you trying to land on the no fly list?!" u/Provicseth said, “Add on, ‘You are not special, so you need to listen and do as you're told.’”