3-year-old drew a portrait of her dad and her mother just couldn't stop laughing at him

Little kids often do the funniest things when they are learning something new. Although it can be quite heartwarming to see a child observe and learn a new skill, sometimes a person can't help but laugh at the process of it. A similar thing happened when a 3-year-old girl drew a portrait of her dad and it turned out to be so funny that the mom simply couldn't stop laughing at her husband. The dad, u/sunnyismybunny, shared his daughter's drawing along with a few other details on Reddit and it went viral immediately.

"My 3-year-old drew me and her mom won't stop laughing at me," the dad wrote in the caption to the post. The girl had drawn a long, round face with shaky edges and crazy hair. The man in the drawing had dots for eyes and a really small mouth. The person also had tiny eyebrows and ears. However, the nose was missing. One main aspect of the epic drawing was that the person was smiling and showing off all their teeth. The dad also shared some other details about his daughter in the comments section. "Her name is Sunjoo (hence my username). I did have a bedhead. She is amazing." Many people wondered if the drawing looked anything like the dad.
The man answered, "For those asking if it looks like me, it doesn't. She is a 3-year-old lover of drawing and coloring, not Rembrandt. But you can see my picture easily if you look through my past posts. She turns 4 in late April and she did this completely by herself." The smile in the portrait was another noteworthy aspect. The dad pointed out, "I grew up (am Korean and my parents were very strict and traditional) in a very stressful environment and always vowed I'd do the opposite when I had kids some day. I try to make her laugh and explore her own interests and create whatever she wants on a daily basis, so she gives me a lot to smile and laugh about."
The little girl's drawing won hearts on the internet. u/MrsGAM wrote, "Awesome! My daughter has been interested in drawing and coloring since she could hold a crayon and this was about her level of drawing at 3 years old. It amazed me to see the difference between her artwork and her classmates' artwork during her pre-k parent-teacher meetings this past year; I didn’t realize her drawing was so advanced for her age. Get her some markers (washable!) and enjoy her creations!"

u/Visual_Slide710 commented, "I'm so proud of her! She's incredible and very talented! Please, please encourage her to draw more because she is extremely skilled for her age. Tell her us Reddit-ers love how creative she is!" u/TimCain remarked, "That is a fantastic drawing and shows incredible potential in such a young artist. I am particularly drawn to her use of negative space to create an emotional reaction in the viewer, something that is difficult to do with the format of ballpoint pen on medium-ruled paper. This artwork is certainly worthy of being framed and admired for decades to come." u/the_kareshi shared, "My daughter has drawn my portrait once every January since she was 2, I got my 8th portrait last month. Keep hold of this one!"