Grandma brilliantly explains why she doesn't 'belittle' her children's parenting rules and it's actually spot-on

One of the tiffs grandparents have with their parents is regarding rules for the baby. Many grandparents believe that having raised their own kids, they are well-equipped with the know-how of parenting. They believe that whatever their routines and ideas are, they will suit the child. However, the same is not always true. A grandma, Gwenith (@gewnith_rachelle), revealed that she happily adheres to the rules set by her son and daughter-in-law while babysitting her grandson. He highlighted a good point as to why the same should be done by other grandparents too.

The woman mentioned that when she’s babysitting her grandchild, she goes one step ahead and asks his parents for rules or boundaries. “I ask them for their instructions, on when he needs his bottles, what foods, anything, I ask permission because I respect them as parents,” she explained. The woman added that these rules must be followed not only in the best interest of the child but also in that of the parents. “I think there’s no quicker way to disrespect your grown adult children than to have that mentality of, ‘I’ve had kids so I know what I’m doing,'” she remarked.

She noted that she has raised 5 kids of her own and yet, always makes it a point to discuss and ask her grandson’s parents for permission before trying any techniques or products with the baby. “I don’t think that it’s good to belittle your children,” she added. Several parents and young adults were grateful for the viewpoint set forth by the grandmother. Many agree that it is compulsory that grandparents or any other relatives pay heed to the instructions and rules laid out by parents. @tlynn49 said, “I hate it when people say, ‘I’m the grandparent so I can spoil them if I want to,’ no you cannot, you listen to what the parent says. It’s easy.”
@kaylleighmarshall noted, “I agree. Everyone has their way of bringing up their child.” @pepperxpots remarked, “Yes. Mine didn’t respect me as an adult and parent. They’ve been out of my life for 4 years now. Best decision ever.” noted, “My mother-in-law always asks for instructions. Even though she knows my son’s routine by now, she’ll still ask.”

@gwenith_rachelle #stitch with @mommagringe13 #grandparents #respect #fyp #parentsknowbest ♬ original sound - Gwenith
Unfortunately, when grandparents refuse to accommodate the important bits parents put out, the latter has no choice but to make firm decisions. In a similar instance, a mom who goes by u/ThrowRAScreamingBans revealed that she had a “no-kissing” rule for her baby which her mom ignored. The mom revealed that it was advised by her pediatrician that no one except the parents kissed the baby due to weak immunity. “I was very clear about this to my mom, who was resistant. I was firm and told her not to hold the baby at all unless she agreed to no kissing. So, no kissing was agreed,” she wrote. Unfortunately, the woman caught the grandma kissing her baby and disrespecting her request. “My mom justified it by saying that the baby was now two weeks old and nothing bad had happened, so we could start building his immune system,” she recalled. Eventually, the woman was distressed, had a tiff with her mum. This caused an upheaval between the grandma and the mom which wouldn’t have occurred had the mom’s instructions been respected.
You can follow Gwenith (@gewnith_rachelle) on TikTok for more content on parenting and grandparenting.