Man shares ingenious trick to get inside car and start it when key fob dies — people 'had no idea' it's that simple

Certain obstacles in everyday tasks can feel like literal nightmares if one doesn't know how to work their way around them. People who have vehicles with a push-button start and a battery-operated key fob know that it can be quite challenging if their key fob dies out of nowhere, especially when they are in a hurry. However, a man on TikTok has a simple way one can use to get inside their car and start it, in case their key fob's battery dies. A man named Ceith Griffith, who goes by @ceithgriffith on the platform, took to the platform to show his discovery.

"If you have a vehicle that has a push button start and your key fob dies, then you can't get inside because the battery's dead in your key fob," the man began. "I am going to share how to get inside your vehicle and also how to start your vehicle with a dead key fob." Griffith demonstrated how most key fobs would have a button somewhere along their edges that one would have to push in case their key fob dies. "It will pop a key out of the key fob," he went on. "On GMCs, it looks like this and the key comes right out like this," he showed. The man revealed how every vehicle would have it. "A Ford, Mercedes, it doesn't matter what kind of vehicle you have."
"On the driver's side door there will be a little hole underneath the handle," Griffit continued as he showed the exact location of where the key would go. "You just slide the key up in there and it would pop this out," he said, pointing at a portion of the handle. Once the portion comes off, a person would be able to see where their key would go to open the car's door. "In your inner console, there would always be a little pouch where you slide your key fob into and this will allow you to start your vehicle even with the dead battery." The man hoped that people would find the hack helpful.
The video received more than 2.3 million views and over 90,000 likes. People took to the comments section of the video to appreciate the trick as well as to share what they knew about cars from different companies and their key fobs. @joeymatthews.32 wrote, "In my Nissan Altima, the key fob slides into the left driver's side dash in front of your left knee, in case anyone needs to know." @nicoleangela59 commented, "Not for Nissan. The key pops out and can be put right in the handle. Then you have to hold the fob up to the button to start."

@pitbull.labmom remarked, "Not me going to check every exact step and yes, yes, yes. Thank you for the wonderful education for my car." @saturnsunride shared, "Or find out what kind of watch battery your key fob uses and keep that in the center console of your car and when your key fob goes out change the battery." @dee54841 revealed, "Push the button to start your vehicle with the key fob instead of your finger and it will start when the fob is dead." @jgts added, "Wow! I had no idea!" @christinelafemina8 wrote, "This was a great video for us."
@ceithgriffith #diy #tipsandtricks #DIY #cartrick #cartricksandtips ♬ original sound - Ceith Griffith
You can follow Ceith Griffith (@ceithgriffith) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.